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Company & Crew


Play Video & Listen to Update!


Choose to either read the update or listen to it! We have recorded the update for you on video so that you may get the information in which ever format works best for you!

11/30 Update


From Valerie Dawn:

"I hope everyone had an amazing holiday break! Its so good for our bodies to have a break to allow restoration of our bodies and minds!  ENCORE is thankful for each of you!  


Yesterdays time got gobbled up quickly yesterday, this update is later than I intended, I apologize.



Christmas Party & Secret Santa!

Our Christmas Party is coming up this Sunday, Dec 5th 2 - 4pm!


We are so excited to take over the building this Sunday and have some Christmas Fun! ENCORE will be providing/organizing the team building activities, orchestrating Secret Santa as well as providing cookies & hot cocoa! We are so excited to get into the holiday spirit with all the company & crew students!


You will be receiving who your Secret Santa is via email You will receive who you are to be the Secret Santa for and what their interests are. Everyone attending the Christmas party must participate in Secret Santa, no one is allowed to be left out. In order to participate you need to bring either a general gift or one directed towards your humans interests between $15 - $20 dollars and make sure it is wrapped.

(If you are in financial trouble, if you can't purchase something due to time, anything! contact Valerie asap - no one stays home because they didn't get a gift. We will make it happen no matter your situation.)


If you have not filled out the Secret Santa, please do ASAP - Click Here


Group Photography

I spent yesterday morning flipping through every photo that was taken at group picture day! I worked with our editor to superimpose our missing humans with their group. I've been told that she will have them updated by tomorrow and I will start uploading your group photos into your Smugmug accounts! I will do this over a couple of days, your link to see the pictures is below: (see our website for direct link)



See's Candy Fundraiser

See's candy fundraiser took a bit longer to figure out then I was expecting. Jeri, Jodie and I were working on this for a bit and deciding what was really worth your time vs finances as they have many options. After trials on all of the ways to fundraise we decided to go with a 50/50 profit fundraiser. (compared to 15%). ENCORE invested a few hundred dollars in purchasing the candy upfront and from now until Christmas you may sell the candy and make the profit asap! Details below on how its going to work! (We will bring this back for Valentines Day as well!)


Contact Human Jodie Crowe for any questions!


From Jodie:

Hello families! We are ready to launch the See’s Candy fundraiser. It will be a short and sweet fundraiser that will hopefully help those who participate offset some costs. 


How to sell pre-purchased boxes. 


We have ordered Christmas Delivery candy boxes and are planning on selling them outside the studio during class for $10 a piece. If you are interested in this, please sign up here. There will be 2 slots per hour, first come first serve. We will sell until the candy is gone, we can extend up until the week we close. Either the dancer or a parent can sign up. Each box has a $5.00 profit so you would split this evenly with the other family selling during the same time. 


If you would like to try and sell some boxes elsewhere, you can do that too! If you are interested in this, you need to email and tell them the number of boxes you want to be responsible for. You have until Dec. 18th to bring the money back to ENCORE. No candy boxes can be returned. However many you take, you will turn in $10 per box or your account will be charged for that (wholesale) amount on Dec 18th.


Here is an example:

Example 1:

  • Dancer Joe asks to sell five boxes of candy for $10 each.

  • Dancer Joe picks up those five boxes.

  • Dancer Joe turns in $50.

  • Dancer Joe will have $25 added to their comp account. The other $25 goes to paying for the candy.


Example 2: 

  • Dancer Joe asked to sell five boxes of candy.

  • Dance Joe picks up those five boxes.

  • Dancer Joe was not able to sell the candy. 

  • Dancer Joe will be charged $25 to cover paying for the that they took home. (No returns allowed)


Thank you so much for supporting (human) and their love of dance!


Band Usage Updates/Changes

ENCORE is constantly listening to your feedback and modifying what we are doing for the benefit of ENCORE and you both. We use band as our private communication app for a number of reasons. One, its safe and private so that our young students can be in direct communication with their instructors. Two, it allows us to notify you of updates. Three, its all in one location.


We have had feedback about notification dings coming thru and that its effecting humans daily flow of life. We hear you on this, and have looked at many different ways to communication over the years. Thus far Band this has been the most successful. We are part of a big team and communication is key and sometimes we cannot avoid the dings.


The following are ways that you can navigate the dings/notifications as well as how ENCORE is going to modify using band to help calm down the inevitable dings.


Manage your band notifications:

It is your responsibility to gain the information via band, as well as to modify your notification to fit your needs in life. If you modify your settings, please add a habit to checking into band often as this is the ONLY way we will communicate to everyone on a whole.


"How To" guide on band notifications: Manage your Band notification : Learning Center | BAND


ENCORE will be Changing our following ways that we use band:


Band Calendar:


Original Usage: I originally intended for the calendar to have all practices, events, everything in it. However with the amount of groups and changes happening ENCORE with group schedules at the last minute, our staff was not able to keep up with the calendar in time. This caused too much confusion, so ENCORE paused using the calendar to re-evaluate its value.


New Way: NOW, ENCORE will update the calendar to include the following:

  • Co/Cr Dates (Mtgs, Team Building, Photography, ect)

  • Listing All Comps (Including mandatory and optional, be sure to know what ones we are attending)

  • ENCORE Happenings (ENCORE Events)

  • Financial Dates (Auto-Charge Dates for ENCORE & Co/Cr)

  • Additional Events/Happenings that are Optional (Musicals, Battles, Shows, Workshops to expand your experience and education)


(NO, Ind or group schedules will be included in the band calendar.)


Requesting 'on own' practice use in the studio:


Original Way: On the weekly post by Mary you would request what times you want in the studio (this would cause a lot of dings)


New Way: We will have ONE pinned post that will continually run with requests in the comments. Mary will post in the comments every Monday that she is ready to book for the next week. Everyone can monitor their 'dings' by going to the settings section on the band app and setting those notifications. Did you know that you can set it to only have notifications that your tagged in! See the link above.



We will be creating a pinned post that will be updating you on different events that are optional and coming your way! These events will be about shows, battles, workshops and other dance related events that you can attend. We will updating the post itself and we encourage you to check the post for updates. (These items will also be in the band calendar)


We will continue with:

  • Weekly Update Posts (sometimes bi-monthly when its needed) with all the information in one post instead of separating the info in many posts. 

  • I will continue to do videos to provide a way to listen to the update via a car drive, doing dishes, etc.

  • We will keep all information on our website for quick reference


Company/Crew Homepage | ENCORE Performing Arts Center (

Password: Unleashed22


If you have other feedback on how to improve our communication, please band message me.



Costume Update

We are continue to work our way through costumes for all groups & solos! When costumes arrive, and we need to try them on and/or items are needed to be gotten by you, we will be notifying you via your band group message. We will also be providing a spreadsheet for all items that you will need to purchase in addition to your costume. (Items like shoes, jewelry, make-up, etc) 



Inviting Humans to Band:

Here is the link to send to others to invite them to band. ENCORE allows only parents, instructors and kids on band. If you have a human that you want on band, you need to send them this link:



Looking for Volunteers:

If you would like to help Co/Cr out with mini projects and such, contact me via


Much Love! ~ Valerie Dawn




Play Video & Listen to Update!


Choose to either read the update or listen to it! We have recorded the update for you on video so that you may get the information in which ever format works best for you!

11/9 Update


From Valerie Dawn:

"Happy November Everyone! ENCORE is grateful for each and every one of you and we are so blessed to be a part of your lives! 


October was a jam-packed wonderful month that flew by quick!  ENCORE was grateful to watch two things! 


  • One, (my fav) was watching teams get together on their own and do Harvest outings, have little Halloween parties, getting Starbucks together and gift exchanges, etc. Its ENCORE's desire that we are a place where you can build friendships, community and memories with your groups! I encourage you to get together with your group(s) to do this! 

  • Two, October Moon Festival and Kids Dance Battle was AMAZING! Everyone that attended, volunteered and participated ah! just amazing. At one point, I stood up on the train tracks and looked out at all the dancing, people taking pictures, eating food, playing games and laughing and I just took a huge sigh and thought, "what an amazing community we have" ~ Thank you for all being such beautiful humans!"


~ Valerie Dawn




  • Nov 11/12 Details

  • Requirement Reminder & Check-In

  • Picture Make Up Day

  • Update on Group Pictures

  • Secret Santa

  • Fundraiser Wrap Up & What's Next!

  • Co/Cr Costumes

  • Additional Comp/Convention Update

  • Utilize our website "Beyond Band" (Less Dings)

  • ENCORE is Looking for YOU!

  • My Bad :(


Nov 11/12 Details




Valerie will be checking in with every student/group and watching their routines, seeing their progression, giving them feedback, etc. This day is a required check-in/approval time. It is our studio goal that all routines are completed by this point in the year.


I understand that some routines are not complete, those that are not completed will be showing me what they have thus far and be receiving the same feedback. Art is a process and some processes take longer to be just right and that's okay.


Students will be meeting the entire time that is listed on the calendar (I have put a copy below). This time is also a time for them to support and see their peer routines, create camaraderie and bonding as well. Once all the routines have been shown to Valerie and each other, we will utilize the rest of the time to start talking about videography preparations for next year. 



Nov 2021 Calendar: (see your full calendar - click here)

  • 11th - (No School Day) - All Routines Checked by Valerie/Photography/Videography Training Day

    • 9am - 10:30am - Co Tots, Co Minis, Cr Minis​

    • 10:30 - 12pm - Co Petites Acro, Co Petites MT, Cr Petites

    • 12 - 2pm - Co Juniors, Co Teen Solos, Cr Juniors, Cr Junior Pop, Teen Cr, Teen Cr Waack


Nov 12th - This is an open day for groups to use at their discretion. 

  • 12th - (No School Day) - Extra Rehearsal Day for cleaning routines option for all groups​

    • Schedule within your groups with Leaders/Instructor​



Requirement Reminder & Check-In

Being on Company & Crew comes with requirements in training. These requirements in training are for two main reasons.

  1. ENCORE knows what your age and level is doing in the dance community at large and we have built your program to be sure to keep you training at that level. 

  2. ENCORE sees what your peers are doing within your own personal group and those that train together, stay together. Reality is that time (with application) = skills/progression. The math below is always an eye opener:


Student A: Trains 3 classes a week for one hour each

Student B: Trains 4 classes a week for one hour each


When looking at that, it seems that it's not a big deal and everything will end up generally equal in the end. 

However, when you do the math like this:


Student A: Trains 3 classes a week for one hour each over the course of the season, for a total of 114 hours.

Student B: Trains 4 classes a week for one hour each over the course of the season, for a total of 152 hours.


Thats 38 hours in additional training. Human A will end up excelling in their skills and quality of movement faster than Student B simply based on time(not talent). And vice versa if you are not taking or attending your required classes, you will not be able to keep up with your peers. 


As we are a couple of months in the season, ENCORE will be checking up on attendance and requirements and addressing those not meeting them. Check your requirements below and be sure to correct any gaps asap. Ty!


Requirement Post - Click Here



Picture Make Up Day

If you missed picture day, you are required to make it up so that we can get you plugged into the group photos! We left a space for you in our group photo! 


Wednesday, November 17th (after school); I am working on the exact time as the sun going down early is becoming an issue and I will update you as soon as I hear back from the photographer. 


Update on Group Pictures

Group photos are starting to come to me for approval from the photographer!  On picture day we did both group and solo shots. To be clear on what you paid for in your contract....... Group shots is what you paid for and those you will be able to download from our studio used software 'smugmug' at no cost.  Solo shots will be sold to you from the photographer. You are not required to purchase them. You totally should if you can ;)  


Secret Santa

Our Christmas party is coming up! Dec 5th 2 -4pm at ENCORE! We will be doing a Secret Santa exchange within our entire team! Let's create community within all ages!  Fill out the info below to help your Secret Santa get to know you!  Be sure to have your student give you the answers so they are current and relevant! 


Gifts for Secret Santa should be around $15-$20 in value. After you have filled out the form below, you will receive your secret santa info!  Let the guessing begin! (those using a mobile phone, scroll down)





































Fundraiser Wrap Up & What's Next!

October Sponsor a Day was a HUGE success!  Be sure to get those funds turned into our drop box and contact your humans that won!  See the Winning Number Here


Next Fundraiser will be with See's Candy for Christmas!  Look for details coming to you in a separate post!  


Co/Cr Costumes

ENCORE is currently working with your instructor about their vision and your costume needs! We ordered some costumes yesterday! We are excited to get this rolling in as the costume season is upon us!  Lisa and I did not get to measuring all humans yet. No worries! We will measure as close to the groups ordering date as possible so that sizes are as accurate as possible. (Children grow fast, as we know... and we do this to avoid as many alterations as possible ;)



Additional Comp/Convention Update

You will be seeing a spreadsheet come to those that requested additional comps, conventions, and convention/comps that will contain everything that you are registered for! From there Jeri will contact you about payments!  


If you have not filled out the following form, please do so asap: Click Here



ENCORE is Looking for YOU!

ENCORE is looking for a couple of parents that want to help and participate in company & crew growth needs! This would include face to face meetings with a team of humans, executing plans and working closely with ENCORE staff. If you are interested in this (and have the time), email and let us know!



My Bad :(

My bad, I didn't realize that the Band calendar was not updated. I will take care of that asap! Be sure to check the Co/Cr Calendar.  So Sorry. Please note: The Co/Cr Calendar on the website is the master calendar and will always be updated first, as this is the calendar that all staff references. 



Utilize our website "Beyond Band & Less Dings" !!!!

ENCORE is growing their knowledge on our website software and in doing so we are able to utilize this site for gathering and putting out information.  In doing so we hope to lessen the 'dings' from band. Let's get use to this expansion and in the habit of utilizing this site. You can find a directory of links listed under the "have a question" form. 


Secret Santa Time!

Thanks for submitting!


Thanks for submitting!

Directory of Links:



Latest Update​


Event Information


Additional Comps, Convention & Convention/Comps


Communication with ENCORE Co/Cr


Parent Meetings


Current Fundraiser




Secret Santa
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